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Click Here to learn more about the Standing Company and the Superstand Wheelchair



Manufacturer of the "Superstand" Wheelchair


Lapsed time from
sit to stand is 2 to 10 seconds,
varying with user control.


The SuperStand standing wheelchair is a very unique piece of equipment.   It will allow someone who is normally "confined to a seated position" in a traditional wheelchair, to STAND UP (and stretch out) with ease & safety. . . at any time. . . in any place.

Experience has shown that a regular program of STANDING UP can help to prevent (or at least minimize) many problems associated with wheelchair confinement; such as. . . skin breakdown, urinary tract infections, bone demineralization, poor circulation, spasticity, muscle contractures and shoulder and neck pain.


"I had not stood in over twenty years  until I got my Standing Wheelchair." Ed Bell


Ed Bell

T1-T2 Spinal Cord Injury

Account Executive


16447 State Road 38

Hagerstown, IN 47346

(765) 939 0443 Cell

(765) 489 5753 Home

(765) 489-6136 Fax

Email: strawberries1983@frontier.com

Call Ed and schedule a free trial.
Don't just sit there.

Let us help you get off your rear and into gear. 

The Standing Company

5848 Dixie Highway, Saginaw, Michigan 48601
Phone: 1-800-STANDING (1-800-782-6346)
Fax: 1-989-






Custom Built


A camouflaged standing wheelchair for hunters and sportsman with disabilities.


Power mobility options for our Standing Wheelchair.



Click Here to learn more about the Standing Company and the Superstand Wheelchair


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