Banner Design

We can generate banners matched to your web site at reasonable prices. A typical design costs $50. Below is a sampling of some of our designs. The unusual collection of colors is due to the fact that each banner carries the graphical theme of the clients website onto their banner ads.

Most of the banners are the standard 468x60 pixel size, but others are shown as well. If you have a photo you want to use for a background we will custom-fit your image to compliment your banner message. Give us a call for more information!

486x60 pixels

468x60 pixels

468x60 pixels

441x60 pixels

360x45 pixels

125x125 pixels (For the News-Press)

468x60 pixels

468x60 pixels

468x60 pixels

404x84 pixels

468x60 pixels

320x105 pixels

404x84 pixels


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Lade's Internet Service
2941 S.W. 10th Place
Cape Coral FL 33914