Rayna and Canu Ardren Owens

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Rayna and Canu Ardren Owens are members of the Everglades Moon LC Assembly of Solitaries and CoG Elders. Their family recently moved to South Florida and formed a new Georgian tradition group called Beachfyre Coven. The Georgian tradition is a branch of English Traditional Witchcraft that emphasizes planetary magic and using what works. Their practice combines astrology, kabala, tarot and deep respect for the cycles of nature as a means to find deity within. 

Rayna was initiated in 1983 and became a minister of CoG in 1991. Canu was initiated in 1986 and became a minister of CoG in 1992. Rayna is an archaeologist and Canu is an environmental lawyer. They can be reached at beachfyre@spicymango.org