Gildo Körbelbach, Wolfendobel, Fasanerie, Haus Skiffi, Mahnerberg, Karthago, Parkstrabe, Hildesheimer, Zülpicher, Antverpa, Gleisdreieck, and Tiekerhook


Adult Dogs

Ken vom der Kornstrabe

S.V. and A.K.C. Registered. B.H, Sch. II, "a" Pronounce, F.H. 1, Hip Certification "a" Normal


Gero vom Hildeshemerland Sch. 3

Arko vom der Parkstrabe Sch. 3, F.H.

Zalka von der Lindenhahle Sch. 2 F.H.

Xina von Mahnerberg Sch. 3, F.H.

Aldo vom Bartigen Rentner Sch. 3, F.H.

Fee von Mahnerberg Sch. 3, F. H.

Ken is a very stable, excellent temperament, nerves and hard full mouth bite. He has high retrieve drive and very social everywhere you go. He has produced many litters here in the US.

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Uras vom Haus Skiffi
S.V. registered, Sch 3, F.H. 2, H.G.H., A.D., I.P.O. 3, "a" pronounce, V. rated in Confirmation, Hip Certification "a" normal.


Cliff von Karthago Sch. 3 IPO 3, F.H.

Benny von der Oberen Halde Sch. 3, F.H.

Roma von Karthago Sch. 3, F. H.

Betty vom Hildirsheimer Sch. 2

Ivo vom Tagermeister Sch. 2

Zalka von der Linderinlle Sch. 2, F.H.

Uras is a very powerful, well balanced German Shepherd. He is in Germany and if you are interested in improving your breed line this will do it. His titles speak for himself. They were all earned before he was 5 years old.

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Lazerr von Younghaus
A.K.C. Registered, B.H., Sch. 1, "a" Pronounce, Hip Certification "a" Normal

Sch. I 286

Omega vom Younghaus Sch. 3, AD

Storm V Tiekerhook

Tanne V Gleisdreieck
Sch. 3, FH 2, PSH1

Asia von younghaus Sch. 1

Prince V Haus Antverpa
Sch. 3, VH2

Bienl V Ahrainer Schosseri
Sch. 1, KKLI 2A.

Lazerr is a very balanced athletic Shepherd. At 19 months of age he earned his B.H. and Sch 1 titles with a score of 286 points. This is not very common for this to be obtained at such a young age... But he was ready and did very well.

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Cindy von der Fasanerie "Xena"
U.S.A. D.V.G., S.V. and A.K.C. registered. B.H., Sch 11, "a" pronounce, A.D.K.K. 1 a, Canine Good Citizenship Award. O.F.A. #000231. Hip Registered number in Germany #95


Vico vom Wolferdobel Sch. 3

Ork vom Wolfendobel Sch. 3

Carmen von Rauen Eck Sch. 2

Dixie von der Nibelungenstrabe Sch. 2

Gildo vom Korbelbach Sch. 3,
 FH, IPO. 3

Kati von der Fasanerie Sch. 3

Xena is a very serious, athletic dog with extremely high retrieve drive. She is well balanced in all aspects, tracking, obedience, and protection work. She was very close in getting V-rated in confirmation. She is half brother to the legend Chicco von Fasanerie in Germany.

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Nixe von Hüttenwerk Salzgitter
S.V., A.K.C. registered, Hip Certification "a" stamp.

SV, AKC Register, A-Stamp on Hips "Fast Normal"


Uras vom Haus Skiffi Sch. 3, FH 2, HGH, V. Rated Confirmation

Cliff vom Karthago Sch. 3, FH, IPO. 3

Beth von Hildesheimerfrau Sch 3, FH 1

Zara von Mahnerberg Sch. 2

Casar von der Parkstrabe Sch. 3, FH 1

Yanin vom Mahnerberg Sch. 2

Nixe is a very serious, hard and committed female, with a very high retrieve drive. At the age of 6 months she was doing a courage test with a full mouth bite on the sleeve. Her father is Uras vom Haus Skiffi.

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Creeksyde German Shepherds
P.O. Box 51326
Fort Myers, Florida 33994

(239) 731-0546 (Voice)
(239) 731-2921 (Fax)

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