The Hite Site
Published by Southern Music Company, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
... arranged by level of difficulty

Hovey, Nilo Rubank Elementary Method
Skornika, J.E. Rubank Intermediate Method
Herfurth, C. Paul A Tune a Day, Books 1, 2 and 3


Division of Beat, Books 1A, 1B and 2

    Amani-Hite Ancient Menuet $ 2.95
    Berlioz-Calvert Villanelle 5.00
    Bordner, Gerald A Stately Theme 2.95
    Bordner, Gerald Essay 3.50
    Bordner, Gerald Three-Minute Waltz 2.95
    Lullaby for Alexandria 3.00
    Haydn-Wienandt Serenade 3.50
    Solomon, Edward Nocturne 2.95
    Gee, Harry 12 Progressive Pieces 12.50
    Bordner, Gerald Clarinet Solos for the Young Player, Book 1
  1. Dayspring
  2. Citation
  3. Quiet Song
  4. Anthem
  5. Petite Promenade
  6. Dreamscape
  7. Talkback
  8. $ 11.00

          Hite, David Foundation Studies
          Baermann Method, Part III
          $ 12.50
          This volume serves as a lifelong daily study book which can be used to solve nearly every technical problem the clarinetist will encounter. "How to practice" routines and general advice sections are included.
          Hite, David Melodious and Progressive Studies,
          Book 1

        1. Demnitz 18 Expressive Studies
          (based on scales)
        2. Demnitz 18 Expressive Studies
          (based on chords)
        3. Nocentini 24 Melodic Studies
        4. Baermann 24 Melodic Studies
          (from bk. II)
        5. Klose major and minor scales
        6. Klose scales in thirds
        7. 9.50
          This popular study book contains musical, progressive style studies. The Demnitz studies extend to four sharps and four flats in major and minor keys, using basic time signatures, rhythms and articulations.
          Hite, David Forty Progressive Melodies by A.M.R. Barret
        8. Barret 40 Progressive Melodies
        9. Dont 8 Progressive Exercises
        10. Hite Scale studies
        11. 7.95
          The Barret melodies are wonderful studies for melodic phrasing. They include an accompaniment for a second clarinet to emphasize the development of rhythmic independence, intonation, and balance. This book can be used with or following the Melodious and Progressive Studies, Book 1.

          Adler, Samuel Harobed: 7 Studies $ 5.00
          Bach-Handel-Jaeckel Baroque Suite $ 5.00
          Bach, J.C.-Voxman Minuet and Allegro 4.75
          Diabelli-Hite Introduction and Rondo 3.75
          Dremlyuga-Zakopets Andantino 2.95
          Pierne, Gabriel Piece in G Minor 4.00
          Paradis-Hite Sicilienne 2.95
          Rabaud-Hite Etude
          R.Korsakov-Thurston The Rose and the Nightingale 2.95
          Robinson, Stanford Rondo 3.50
          Solomon, Edward Gypsy Song 2.50
          Stocks-Bonade Wessex Pastorale 3.50
          Vadala, Kathleen Sea Change 2.50
          Walters, David L. Episode 4.00
          Bordner, Gerald Clarinet Solos for the Young Player, Book 2
        12. The Blues
        13. Toccata Vivo
        14. Chanson Moderne
        15. Variations on "Au Clair de Lune"
        16. Waltz for Sarah
        17. $ 8.95
          Barret-Hite Forty Progressive Melodies $ 7.95
          Pleyel-Wienandt Duos in C, F and D Minor 2.50 ea
          Voxman, Himie 65 Progressive Duets 5.95

            Hite, David Foundation Studies
            Contents: Baermann Method, Part III
            $ 12.50
            Continuing work in this volume, the familiar scales should begin to flow accurately. The tonic chords, broken chords and dominant seventh chords, and the interrupted and returning scales should flow well. The four sharps and four flats keys should be routine.
            Hite, David Melodious and Progressive Studies,
            Book 1

            Contents: (See level II)
            Continued study in this book, completing the Nocentini studies, the Baermann studies and the Klose scales in thirds, should develop nice reading and style fluency. Efforts to stabilize a beautiful sound should be pursued carefully before approaching etudes requiring greater speed. Sensitivity to dynamics and tonal flexibility should be stressed and developed at this time.
            Hite, David Melodious and Progressive Studies,
            Book 2

          • Gambaro 20 Caprices
          • Dont 24 Etudes
          • Misc. etudes for special problems
          • 8.00
            While refining the slower Nocentini and Baermann etudes of Book 1, it is well to begin practicing these Gambaro studies for finger and tongue dexterity. The key signatures of these etudes stay within three sharps and three flats. The special studies drill the tongue, the left hand and the left thumb.
            Hite, David Forty Progressive Melodies by A.M.R. Barret 7.95
            Continued use of this volume can constitute recreational playing, giving vent to imaginative phrasing style.

            LEVEL 3 REPERTOIRE
            Jaeckel, Wayne Swing Suite $ 3.50
            Bach-Hite Bourree $ 5.00
            Andante and Rondeau 8.00
            Baermann-Forrest Pastorale 5.00
            Baermann-Hite Adagio (attributed to Wagner) 3.95
            Corelli-Hite Adagio and Gigue 3.50
            Debussy-Hite La Fille Au Cheveux de Lin 2.95
            Debussy-Hite Petite Piece 4.00
            Donjon-Guertin Invocation 2.50
            Ferling-Jeanjean Andante de Concert 3.00
            Garwood, Margaret A Joyous Lament for a Gilly Flower (1983) 7.50
            Handel-Ephross Sonata No. 5 5.00
            Lacome-Andraud Rigaudon 2.95
            Lazarus-Bolls Studio Espressivo 3.00
            Mozart-Hite Larghetto from Clarinet Quintet 4.50
            Sonata No. 8 4.50
            Roberts, Trevor Trois Promenade (1983) 6.50
            Schumann-Gee Romance No. 3 4.00
            Sclater, James Six Folk Song Studies, Sets 1 & 2

              LEVEL 4 STUDY MATERIAL
              Hite, David Foundation Studies
              Contents: Baermann Method, Part III
              $ 12.50
              Practice should extend into the intervals of thirds, fourths and fifths. Work on the scales, chords, interrupted scales and returning scales in five and six sharps and flats, as well as chromatic scales and diminished chords should be in progress.
              Hite, David Melodious and Progressive Studies, Book 2
              Contents: (See level III)
              Continuing study should encompass all the Gambaro and the Dont etudes. Both are excellent preparation for the Rose studies. The Dont etudes develop dexterity in larger intervals requiring not only finger coordination, but also eye and ear coordination for tonal consistency. The additional etudes can be used for special problems: staccato, left hand finger coordination and register change. Six Lazarus etudes provide challenges in chromatics, advance legato, the cadenza and pushing rapid finger speeds.
              Hite, David Artistic Studies, Book 1 from the French School
            • C. Rose 40 Etudes
            • C. Rose 32 Etudes
            • C. Rose 9 Caprices
            • 12.50
              Depending on the student's capabilities, study of these etudes can begin on this level. The etudes should be learned thoroughly so that they can be performed to perfection.
              Hite, David Four Sonatas by A.M.R. Barret and Five Melodious Studies by D. Alard 10.00
              Study of these three movement Barret Sonatas focuses on refinement of musicianship, accuracy of reading and stability of performance. Intermediate in difficulty, they can supplement the Melodious and Progressive Studies, Book 2, and are also appropriate for concert performance. The Alard studies provide a solid review of technique and articulation.

              LEVEL 4 REPERTOIRE
              Bb CLARINET WITH PIANO
              Barnes, James Autumn Soliloquy
              (band accompaniment available)
              $ 4.00
              Baermann-Forrest Divertimento 6.50
              Bozza-Ephross Ballade 4.95
              Chopin-Forrest Nocturne 4.00
              Cossaboom, S. Fragments 5.00
              Dere-Hite Andante and Scherzo 4.00
              Halvorsen-Forrest Entrance of the Boyars 3.50
              Handel-Andraud Concerto in G Minor 6.00
              Henn, Randahl Duo Sonata (1978) 4.75
              Koch, Frederick Incessant Motion 4.00
              Lehman, Ralph Suoronos 5.95
              Concert Solo 5.95
              Pierne, Gabriel Canzonetta 4.00
              Quet, L. Petite Piece 3.00
              Reed, Alfred Serenade
              (band accompaniment available)
              Rose-Bolls Elegy 2.50
              Schubert-Hite Sonatina 9.00
              Sclater, James Rumanian Whirling Dance 5.00
              Stack, Leonard Sonata (1979) 7.50
              Tartini-Forrest Variations on a Theme by Corelli 5.00
              Tartini-Hite Sonata in G Minor 6.00
              Suite, Album for the Young 10.00
              Ulman, Barry Elegy 7.50
              Verhey-Voxman Allegro (from Concerto) 6.00
              Weiner, Lawrence Fantasy (1987) 6.00

                    LEVEL 5 STUDY MATERIAL
                    Hite, David Foundation Studies
                    Contents: Baermann Method, Part III
                    $ 12.50
                    These exercises should be practiced for total reflexive familiarity with all diatonic patterns of scales, chords and intervals. Whole tone scales and augmented chords should be added, then diminished scales and studies on octaves, staccato and trills and triplets.
                    Hite, David Artistic Studies, Book I
                    from the French School
                    The remainder of the Rose etudes should be completed on this level. They should then be reviewed from time to time to develop a routine performance and to become settled with a mature style. The sixteen slow expressive studies of the 32 Etudes (the "bible of clarinet playing) should be thoroughly analyzed, digested and played.
                    Hite, David Artistic Studies, Book 2
                    from the German School

                  • Baermann Method, Part IV (select)
                  • Baermann Method, Part V (complete)
                  • 9.95
                    The Baermann Part IV is excellent to develop more fluid dexterity. These studies are related to the use of each key on the instrument. They should flow along rapidly, providing a review of basic technic.

                    LEVEL 5 REPERTOIRE
                    CLARINET ALONE
                    Riepe, Russell Three Studies on Flight $ 7.50
                    Shroyer, Ronald It's Either a Song or a Dance 2.95
                    Bb CLARINET WITH PIANO
                    Baermann-ForrestTheme and Variations$ 7.50
                    Cavallini-Gillespie Adagio Sentimentale 4.95
                    Cavallini-Hite Adagio and Tarantella 9.00
                    Donato, Anthony Sonata 4.00
                    Harvey, Paul Sonata 15.00
                    Hertlein, Lotta Maria Homage 12.50
                    Holmes, Augusta Fantaisie 2.50
                    Koch, Frederick Sonatina 12.50
                    Lefebvre-Cailliet Andante and Allegro 6.00
                    Rabaud, Henri Solo de Concours 5.50
                    Reynolds, Verne Four Caprices 4.00
                    Sebesky, Don For My Children 9.00
                    Uber, David First Rhapsodie 4.00
                    Weber-Bonade-Hite Concertino 5.95
                    Weber, C.M. von Romance, Recitative and Polacca 2.50
                    Bonade, Daniel 16 Grand Solos de Concert
                  • Coquard Melodie and Scherzetto
                  • D'Ollone Fantaisie Orientale
                  • Gaubert Fantaisie*
                  • Hahn Sarabande and Theme Varie*
                  • Lefebvre Fantaisie-Caprice*
                  • Marty First Fantaisie*
                  • Messager Solo de Concours*
                  • Widor Introduction and Rondo
                    (* also published as individual works)
                  • $ 16.95
                    DUETS FOR TWO Bb CLARINETS
                    Hite, David Seven Grand Concert Duets
                  • Mozart (originally for violin and viola)
                  • Haydn
                  • Klose
                  • Crusell
                  • $ 20.00

                          LEVEL 6 STUDY MATERIAL
                          Hite, David Foundation Studies
                          Contents: Baermann Method, Part III
                          $ 12.50
                          These studies may now be used as a daily warm-up or as a test for new reeds. Use them for maintaining the sharpness of basic technique. They can be employed in making small embouchure changes or developing flexibility or endurance. These Baermann studies are an excellent place to learn to use a diaphragm pulse to enhance sound, mobility over large intervals and legato flow at all dynamics.
                          Hite, David Artistic Studies, Book 2 from the German School
                        • Baermann Method, Part IV (select)
                        • Baermann Method, Part V (complete)
                        • 9.95
                          The Baermann, part V, provides a formidable challenge, appropriate for this level of study. It extends the playing range on above high G to high B. This edition lists special high note and trill fingerings. The advanced fluency that comes from practicing these studies supports security in all repertoire performance.
                          Hite, David Artistic Studies, Book 3 from the Italian School
                        • Cavallini 30 Caprices
                        • Labanchi 4 Studies
                        • Magnani 7 Etudes-Caprices
                        • Gambaro 5 Caprices
                        • 9.95
                          These operatically inspired studies can be used simultaneously with Book 2, preceding it, or following it, according to choice. While the Baermann promotes advanced fluency, the Cavallini will develop emotional charge in the student's performance. A major objective in approaching these studies should be liberation from carefulness and blandness which may linger in musical style.

                          LEVEL 6 REPERTOIRE
                          Bb CLARINET WITH PIANO
                          Adler, Samuel Sonata $ 9.00
                          Bassi-Voxman Fantasia (I Puritani) 15.00
                          Bellison-Forrest Four Hebraic Pictures
                        • Fitelberg, G. The Wedding
                        • 5.00
                        • Weinberg, Jacob Canzonetta
                        • 4.00
                        • Levenson, Boris Hebrew Dance
                        • 4.00
                        • Weinberg, Jacob The Maypole
                        • 4.00
                          Boda, John Sonata (1981) 10.00
                          Faith, Richard Concerto 17.50
                          Jeanjean-Bonade Scherzo Brillante 6.95
                          Kauder, Hugo Sonata (1974) 2.75
                          Latham, William P. Ion-The Rhapsode (1985) 7.50
                          Makris, Andreas Intrigues
                          (wind ensemble accompaniment available)
                          Robinson, Stanford The Moon Maiden's Dance (1986)
                          Rossini-Hite Introduction, Theme & Variations
                          (band and orchestra accompaniment available)
                          Simeonov, Blago Three Bulgarian Dances (1983) 10.00
                          Solomon, Melvin Sonnets (1979) 20.00
                          Spohr-Glazer Fantasy and Variations 7.50
                          TWO Bb CLARINETS WITH PIANO
                          Mendelssohn-Gee Concert Piece No. 2 $ 12.95
                          Paganini-Falcone Perpetual Motion 5.00
                          Ponchielli-Hite Il Convegno 16.50
                          CLARINET AND VIOLIN
                          Breedon, Daniel Duo (1977) $ 6.00
                          CLARINET AND PERCUSSION
                          Heins, John L. Sonata (1985) $ 10.00
                          Parker, Philip Five Bagatelles (1987) 6.95

                          LEVEL 7 REPERTOIRE
                          FOR Bb CLARINET WITH PIANO
                          Brahms-Wright Sonata in F Minor, Opus 120, No. 120.00
                          Brahms-Wright Sonata in Eb Major, Opus 120, No. 220.00
                          Crusell-Hite Concerto No. 3 in Bb Major, Opus 11
                          (orchestral accompaniment available)
                          Debussy-Hite Premiere Rhapsodie
                          (band and orchestra accompaniment available)
                          $ 7.50
                          Krommer-Portnoy Concerto in Eb Major17.95
                          Mozart-Tournerie Concerto in A Major, K. 622 (piano in Bb; for Bb clarinet)8.50
                          Mozart-Wright Concerto in A Major, K. 622 (piano in A; for A clarinet)25.00
                          Spohr Concerto No. 1 in C Minor, Opus 2617.50
                          Weber, C.M. von Concerto No. 1 in F Minor, Opus 7315.00
                          Weber, C.M. von Concerto No. 2 in Eb Major, Opus 7415.00

                          STUDY MATERIAL FOR ALTO & BASS CLARINET
                          Rhoads, William E. Etudes for Technical Facility $ 7.50
                          Rhoads, William E. 35 Technical Studies 10.00
                          Rhoads, William E. 21 Foundation Studies 11.95
                          Rhoads, William E. 18 Selected Studies 9.00
                          Weissenborn-Rhoads Advanced Studies 9.50

                          REPERTOIRE FOR ALTO & BASS CLARINET
                          FOR ALTO CLARINET WITH PIANO
                          Schwartz, George International Folk Suite $ 3.50
                          Solomon, Ed Your Basic Waltz 3.00
                          Pergolesi-Ephross Nina 2.50
                          Galliard-Gee Hornpipe and Allegro 5.00
                          R.Korsakov-Thurston The Rose and the Nightingale 2.95
                          Solomon, Edward Gypsy Song2.50
                          Senaille-Gee Allegro Spiritoso 4.00
                          Lacome-Andraud Rigaudon 2.95
                          FOR BASS CLARINET WITH PIANO
                          Schwartz, George International Folk Suite 8.50
                          Baermann-Gee Etude No. 18 3.50
                          Galliard-Merriman Adagio and Allegro3.50
                          Davis, William Variations on a Theme of R. Schumann 6.50
                          Marcello-Hite Sonata in A Minor 4.00
                          Senaille-Ephross Allegro Spiritoso 5.00
                          Marty-Bonade First Fantaisie 7.50
                          FOR Eb CONTRA-BASS CLARINET WITH PIANO
                          Kreisler, Alex. vonRondo $ 2.50
                          Galliard-Gee Hornpipe and Allegro 5.00
                          Senaille-Thurston Allegro Spiritoso 4.50
                          Solomon, Edward Gypsy Song 2.50
                          FOR Bb CONTRA-BASS CLARINET WITH PIANO
                          Senaille-Thurston Allegro Spiritoso 4.50
                          Cailliet, Lucien Le Pionnier 3.50
                          Marcello-Hite Sonata in A Minor 4.00

                          CLARINET GUIDE:
                          INTRO & INDEX
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                          THE HITE SITE, designed and maintained by Jean Hite.    Comments to:
                          All contents copyright © 1997, David Hite, Inc.    All rights reserved.
                          Revised: Saturday, May 03, 1997    URL: