We Answer Phones. Com


"Where Innovation Leads To EXCELLENCE!"


About Us

Telephone Answering Service

Voicemail Services

Tele-Conferencing Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Service Plans

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Unified Communications?   Simply stated, Unified Communications provides a single point of access… Your “ONE-NUMBER” to all four message types…  voicemail, fax, direct-connect telephone and email from any communications device.  And there is NO EQUIPMENT INVESTMENT REQUIRED!

 How will this save me money?  By forwarding your office telephone to your Unified toll-free “ONE-NUMBER” you will be providing your callers with virtually any-and-all information they may require.  THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE IS “PRESS ‘0’ FOR OPERATOR”.  When your caller selects this option they will be immediately connected to your office during business hours or to your answering service after hours, lunch or weekends.

How many of your calls actually REQUIRE a Person to answer the call?

Conducting this brief survey on your part is where you will be to see for yourself just HOW MUCH MONEY CAN BE SAVED!  For example... Some routine calls that could be answered by our system might be for example: "What are your office hours?" or; "Can I have directions to your office?"  Other calls that could be handled by our system may be for requesting an appointment... Cancelling an appointment... Requesting a prescription refill.  All may be handled through your toll-free "ONE NUMBER"... promptly, efficiently and inexpensively.

Designated staff in your office would be alerted that a message is waiting.  These may be instantly retrieved by telephone.  IN ADDITION, each-and-every message is copied and sent to your e-mail or the the e-mail of designated staff members as an ATTACHMENT to the e-mail.  These messages may be deleted... or SAVED for future reference.  No More "Message Slips"!

How does it work?  When you call-forward your line to your Unified toll-free “ONE-NUMBER”, your recorded office greeting message will instruct the caller.  At your option, your caller will be prompted that if the call is an emergency they may press zero at any time to be connected with an operator.  During normal business hours, the system may be programmed to direct these calls to you office “back-line”.  After hours, the call could be sent directly to your answering service.

Do any of your callers require Spanish language (or any other language)?  Your callers would be prompted, for example: "To continue in English, please press '1' "  Then (spoken in the language you specify) continue with:

"Para continuar en Español, aprima el '2'". or in German: "Auf Deutsch fortfahren, bitte presse '1' "

How do I add minutes to my account?  Remember... you only pay for what you actually use.  Unused minutes in your account "roll-over" to the next month!  Simply phone, fax or e-mail us to add more minutes to your account.  Minute "blocks" are added in $5.00 increments. ($5.00 [=] 85-minutes)  You will be advised when you call your "ONE-NUMBER" for messages that your account is running low on usage minutes.  Just call us -- Toll-Free at 1-800 PAGE CALL or e-mail us at Sales@WeAnswerPhones.com


The Possibilities Are Endless!

Telephone,  Voicemail,  Fax,  E-mail…

On-Demand Conference Calling…

all to YOUR  “ONE NUMBER”!


For more information on any service,

please contact: Sales




7181 College Parkway / Suite 30

Fort Myers, FL 33907-5640


Please send any comments/suggestions or errors to the WebMaster


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