How much can you save? An 18 hole golf course in the Virgin Islands is known to have expenditures for desalinizing irrigation water in excess of 3 million dollars per year. Using halophytic turf on this golf course would save them an estimated 80-90% off their water bill. Spending 300,000 dollars compared to 3,000,000 dollars is a huge saving. BFI is prepared to supply courses, like the one above, with our special varieties of halophytic turfs and plants including seashore paspalum, a complete salt water irrigation system, a comprehensive course management plan, and any other consulting needs. These turfs are offered in sprigs, plugs, and sod. Halophytic Turfs and Landscape Plants There are at least 28 different species of Paspalum . The most sought after types right now of course are the fine-textured varieties such as is available through BFI. Coarse types of halophytic turfgrass is excellent for soil stabilization on beaches, dunes or in wetlands where it's salinity and water logging tolerances are unsurpassed. There are also over 11 species of Sporobolus including Sporobolus virginicus or Seashore dropseed, many of which can be used in most of the above mentioned situations. Distichlis spicata is another halophytic turfgrass that has many uses in the landscaping environment. Many of these turfs are established in their native state, while others are ecotypes manipulated by BFI for specific uses. Whatever your needs are, BFI has a product & service to fit those needs. We can also produce entire landscape plantings for saline environments. We have for sale; trees, shrubs, grasses and ground covers for non-traditional environments. From Mangroves, to ferns, coastal Panicum grass, Saltbush, and Sea ox-eye daisy, Blanket flower and Golden creeper. Through the research and development activities of the BFI Principals, we are able to offer high quality turf management on the most challenging of salt-affected sites. We have developed fine-textured halophytic turfs that can withstand inundation of seawater and can be irrigated with seawater, brackish water, and poor quality water. Barbuda
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