Boat Buying Tips..... 1. Before you start looking at boats take some time to consider how you plan to use the boat. Will it be day trips, weekends, short trips, long passages, live-aboard, The Great Circle adventure……? 2. Size does matter! Too large or too small will negatively influence the number of times you use the boat. Consider the number of people on board that can be of assistance to the skipper. The cost in time and money increases with size. Can we, as a couple, handle the boat in rough conditions? 3. New or used boats are a source of much discussion and worth considering when you start the process of finding a boat. Both new and used boats have benefits but do they fit your wants and needs? 4. What is my budget to purchase the boat? Remember the monthly (fuel, mooring or slip rentals, insurance, maintenance) and annual expenses (haulout, bottom paint, zinc replacements) of ownership. 5. Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance! It’s one thing to be able to afford to purchase the boat of your dreams, but it’s often quite another thing to be able to afford the maintenance. Remember, the larger and more complex the vessel, the higher the maintenance costs are likely to be. 6. Try one before you buy one! If possible, it is a good idea to charter a boat comparable to the one you are considering purchasing. While a charter can cost several thousand dollars; it is much cheaper than buying a boat and finding out it’s not the right one for you! 7. Do you want any assistance in the boat buying process? Consider the use of a trained, professional, licensed and bonded Yacht Broker. For more information Click Here. Boat Selling Tips..... 1. Continue to keep the boat clean and neat while it is for sale. The full potential of your boat will not be realized if the potential Buyer is distracted by the dirt, mildew and clutter. 2. Any personal items and equipment that do not transfer with the vessel should be removed. 3. Equipment that does not work is a liability. Fix it or have it removed from the vessel. 4. All safety equipment should be serviceable, updated and certified. 5. There are three different prices: The Seller’s price, the Buyer’s price and the Real price. Consider the use of a trained, professional, licensed and bonded Yacht Broker For more information Click Here.
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