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March Madness Useppa Style
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Bill Newbold and mom Carol |

Colton, Harley & Jack |

Rachael and her mom Ginny |

Wren |

Katherine, Molly & Maggie |

Molly |

Kyle |

Race, Sayllor & Mom Melissa |

Brooke & Rosie |

Vic Hansen |

Carol Doherty |

Don Rocheleau |

Egret |

McMahon Regatta cancelled |

Ibis |

Karen Albert |

Suzie Browne |

Suzie again |

Sally Burns |

Mike Albert |

Barbara Hansen & LeeAnn Hoover |

Carter and his granddaughter |

The Albers |

Carter and son Wells |

Steve Kaufman |

Poolside |

Captain Neville |

Jay and son Jeremey |

Catboats at rest |

Josh, Rachael, Jeremy |

Wallingford men |

Zzzzzzzzz |

Weekend break |
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