Halloween on
Useppa (11/2/09) |
Fall Images (9/28/09) |
Labor Day Izaak
Walton Kids Fishing Tournament (9/10/09) |
Labor Day Sunday:
Food, Frolic and Fun (9/7/09) |
Slipping, Sliding
and Swimming Toward Labor Day (9/6/09) |
Dog Days of
Summer (8/31/09) |
Barbara Sumwalt (8/12/09) |
Thurston Greene:
Useppa’s Finest Gentleman (8/5/09) |
July on
Useppa (7/22/09) |
July 4th on
Useppa (7/9/09) |
June - Just Us (7/1/09) |
Ospreys and
Other Islanders (6/8/09) |
Useppa Kids on
Memorial Day Weekend (5/29/09) |
Memorial Day on
Useppa (5/26/09) |
Mothers and
Grandmothers: Your Love & Hard Work makes Useppa Home (5/11/09) |
Spring Fun on Useppa (5/5/09) |
Memories of the Easter Bunny's Visit to
Useppa (4/27/09) |
Easter Sunrise Service (4/19/09) |
UIYC McMahon Regatta (4/17/09) |
Easter Kids Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament (4/13/09) |
Museum Art
Auction (4/1/09) |
March Madness
Useppa Style (3/23/09) |
St. Patrick's
Day and the Admiral (3/21/09) |
Eric the Useppa
Eagle (3/18/09) |
Camp Useppa:
Mid-March (3/17/09) |
Crab Races,
Collier Seafood Dinner & More (3/16/09) |
Shell Seekers (3/11/09) |
Croquet Awards
and Coach Sumwalt's Return (3/3/09) |
Highwaymen Stop
at the Museum (3/3/09) |
Grand Slam
Croquet: Day 2 (2/26/09) |
Grand Slam
Croquet (2/24/09) |
A Useppa Wedding (2/19/09) |
Boats Folks &
Dogs (2/16/09) |
Memories of
Families and Friends (2/11/09) |
Island Images (2/5/09) |
Time-Line, POA, and End of Year Faces (1/19/09) |
Property Owner's
Association Party (1/15/09) |
UIYC Season's
Opening Race (1/12/09) |
2008 Beach
Croquet Tournament (1/7/09) |
Kids Christmas
Izaak Walton Tournament (1/4/09) |
Collier Inn Christmas
Eve Wassail (1/2/09) |
Useppa 2008
Employees Christmas Party (12/29/08) |
'Twas the Night
Before Christmas (12/28/08) |
Happy Hours of
Fun (12/21/08) |
Remember the
Employees' Christmas Fund 2008 (12/16/08) |
To save
space on the server we have placed all Island Images items prior
to December 16, 2008 on an archival DVD. This DVD is a complete copy
of the Useppa Member's website circa January 2009 and can be
viewed at the museum or a copy may be obtained from Ginny Amsler.
CDs of the website for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 are also available. |