
Drew Worthen
Port Charlotte, FL

E-Mail: drewaw@comcast.net

2Peter Commentary Series

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2Peter 1:1 Introduction
2Peter 1:2-4 - "The Power & The Promise"
2Peter 1:5a - "The Fruitful Life"
2Peter 1:5b-7 - "The Growing Christian Character"
2Peter 1:8-11 - "Zealous For God/Prove Your Faith"
2Peter 1:12-15 - "Always Remember The Truth"
2Peter 1:16-19 - "Our Salvation Is No Blind Leap"
2Peter 1:2 - 2:1a - "The Warning About False Teachers"
2Peter 2:1b-3 - "The Enemy Within The Camp"
2Peter 2:4-9 - "God’s Sure Judgment"
2Peter 2:10-13 - "A Profile Of A False Teacher"
2Peter 2:14-17 - "Avoid Balaam’s Way"
2Peter 2:18-22 - "Freedom = Responsibility In Christ"
2Peter 3:1-4 - "A Call To Remember His Promised Return"
2Peter 3:3-4 - "A Glimpse Into Some of Today's False Prophets"
2Peter 3:4 - "What Is This Coming He Promised?"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Rapture"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Second Coming"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Tribulation (The first half) - False Peace"
2Peter 3:4 - (The last 3 1/2 years) "The Seal Judgments and God’s Grace"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Whore of Mystery Babylon"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Seven Trumpet Judgments"
2Peter 3:4 - Tribulation: "The Last 7 plagues"
2Peter 3:4 - "Christ’s Second Physical Coming"
2Peter 3:4 - "The Millennial Reign of Christ"
2Peter 3:4 - "The New Heavens and New Earth"
2Peter 3:5-6 - "A Sure Hope - God’s True Word"
2Peter 3:7-9 - "Time Keeps On Slippin'.... Into The Future"
2Peter 3:10-13 - "How Much Do You Appreciate Your Salvation?"
2Peter 3:14-18 - "Christ, The Resurrection And The Life"

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