
Drew Worthen
Port Charlotte, FL

E-Mail: drewaw@comcast.net

Gospel of John Commentary Series

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John 1:1-3 - "The Living Word, God"
John 1:4-8 - "The Light and Life of Men"
John 1:9-13 - "Spiritual Rebirth"
John 1:14 - "How Can God Become Flesh?"
John 1:14b - "Glory in the Tabernacle"
John 1:15-18 - "Can I Get Someone to Testify?"
John 1:19-28 - "The Witness"
John 1:29-34 - "The Lamb of God"
John 1:35-45 - "We Have Found the Messiah"
John 1:46-51 - "Stairway to Heaven"
John 2:1-11 "Christ's First Miracle"
John 2:1-11 - "The Rest of the Story"
John 2:12-17 - "Is Our Zeal that of the Lord’s?"
John 2:18-25 - "Genuine Faith"
John 3:1-5 - "Born From Above"
John 3:6-12 - "Spiritual Awakening"
John 3:13-15 - Whose Got the Anti-Venom?
John 3:16-21 - "For God So Loved the World"
John 3:22-30 - "I’m Not the Bridegroom"
John 3:31-36 - "Life or Wrath, Which Will it Be?"
John 4:1-6 - "Jacob’s Well"
John 4:7-14 - "What Well Are You Drinking From?"
John 4:15-19 - "I Can See"
John 4:19-24 - "What Does it Mean to Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?"
John 4:25-30 - "Leave Your Water Pot, And Just Go!"
John 4:31-38 - "Do the Will of Him Who Sent You"
John 4:39-42 - "It’s God’s Harvest"
John 4:43-54 - "Your Son Will Live"
John 5:1-9 - "Get Up and Walk"
John 5:9b-15 - "How Dare You Obey the Lord"
John 5:16-24 - "I Do God’s Works"
John 5:25-29 - "God Has Life In Himself"
John 5:30-37 - "The Different Witnesses of Christ"
John 5:38-47 - "Your Accuser is Moses"
John 6:1-7 - "This is a Test..... This is Only a Test"
John 6:8-15 - "Loaves and Fishes"
John 6:22-29 - "Work for Incorruptible Food"
John 6:30-40 - "The True Bread from Heaven"
John 6:41-44 - "No One Comes, Unless the Father Draws"
John 6:45-51 - "This Bread is My Flesh"
John 6:52-58 - "Dine On Me, And With Me"
John 6:59-63 - "Spirit Words, Spirit Life"
John 6:63-71 - "You Have the Words of Eternal Life"
John 7:1-5 - "Jesus Christ, Super Star?"
John 7:6-7 - "Does the World Hate You?"
John 7:8-13 - "Seek the Proper Time"
John 7:14-16 - "My Teaching is Not My Own"
John 7:17-24 - "Why Are You Trying to Kill Me?"
John 7:24-27 - "Make the Right Judgment"
John 7:28-31 - "Do You Know Where Christ is From?"
John 7:32-38 - "Will You Come to Where I Am?"
John 7:38-39 - "Got Life? Then be Filled with the Spirit"
John 7:40-46 - "No One Ever Spoke Like Christ"
John 7:47-53 - "Don’t Go Home Without Christ"
John 8:1-11 - "Go and Sin No More"
John 8:12-20 - "If You’re in the Light, Walk in the Light"
John 8:21-24 - “Jesus Christ: Alien from Outer Space?”
John 8:25-30 - “Who in the World are You?
John 8:31-34 - “Whose Slave are We?”
John 8:35-41 - “Do the Things Your Father Does”
John 8:41-44 - “You Are of Your Father the Devil”
John 8:45-51 - “Don’t Dis’ Jesus”
John 8:52-59 - “Before Abraham was Born, I Am”
John 9:1-5 - “Are You a Beggar?”
John 9:5-16 - “He Put Mud on My Eyes”
John 9:16-24 - “We Know Jesus is a Sinner”
John 9:24-34 - “How to Get Thrown out of Synagogue”
John 9:35-41 - “Do You Believe in the Son of Man?”
John 10:1-6 - “Listen to His Voice. Follow His Lead.”
John 10:7-13 - Mercenaries for Christ. What’s Wrong With that Picture?
John 10:14-16 - “One Flock, One Shepherd”
John 10:17-18 - "Love Equals Obedience"
John 10:19-24 - “Is Jesus Christ a Mad Man?”
John 10:25-28 - “Only the Sheep Can Hear”
John 10:28-30 - “The Power of God’s Hands”
John 10:31-38 - “Believe the Works”
John 10:39-11-5 - “Friendship of Jesus Christ”
John 11:5-10 - “No Daylight Savings Time Here”
John 11:11a - “Do We Sleep, Or Do We Live?”
John 11:11b-15 - “Why Did Lazarus Have to Die?”
John 11:16-27 - “Lazarus Will Rise Again”
John 11:27-36 - “Jesus Wept”
John 11:37-44 - “Lazarus Come Out!”
John 11:44b-48 - “Dressed to Kill”
John 11:49-57 - “It All Comes Down to This: Kill Jesus”
John 12:1-3 - “What Do You Smell Like?”
John 12:4-8 - “Judas, Leave Mary Alone”
John 12:9-11 - “Kill the One Who's Alive”
John 12:12-16 -"Hosanna! Blessed is the King of Israel!"
John 12:17-24 -"The Seed Must Die to Produce Fruit"
John 12:25-26 -“Love Life, Lose It. Hate life, Gain It”
John 12:27-30 -“Are We Thundering for the Lord?”
John 12:31 - “The Prince of this World is Toast”
John 12:32-36 - “Are You in the Dark?”
John 12:36b-41 - “A Lesson from Isaiah”
John 12:42-43 - "Are You An Undercover Christian?"
John 12:44-50 - "God Commands Us to Eternal Life"
John 13:1-5 - "God, The Servant"
John 13:6-10a - "Let Christ Do the Bathing"
John 13:10b-17 - "Do for Others as I Have Done for You"
John 13:18-30 - "Turn Your Darkness Into Light"

To listen to any of these Sermons on Real Audio Please CLICK HERE

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E-Mail Pastor Drew:drewaw@comcast.net

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