The family is to be the primary means of relaying God’s Truth to children. The goal is to develop independent thinkers, dependant upon God’s Word through faith in Christ and able to live unto His glory.
Biblical Life Goals
Faith is the only proper motivation in living. Worship involves all of life as it’s lived in reliance upon the Holy Spirit in faithful obedience to God’s Word. ( Matthew 22:37-39 )
We are called to be holy and to make disciples. This is done in word and deed as we live in faithful dependance upon Christ and for the purpose of making Jesus known. ( 2 Corinthians 4:11, Philippians 1:29, Proverbs 3:5-7, 1 Peter 3:14, Matthew 7:12, John 4:31-36 )
The Christian life is about relationship, first and foremost relationship to God and then toward others. God supplies Agape love which is realized as we choose to surrender to the Spirit and die to self in order to obey God and edify and sacrificially serve others. ( Romans 12:10,16; 13:8; 14;13-19, Galatians 5:1,13,16, 22-24 )
Practical Tips In Reaching The Objective
Make house rules few, clear and according to God’s Word and enforce them consistently. Use Matthew 22:37-39 to sums up whatever specifics you deem appropriate for nurturing children in the Lord as it will continually give children the big picture.
2 Timothy 3:16 tells of the sufficiency of God & His Word and how we must use it in self-examination that we might grow in Christlikeness. The following questions might help them measure their choices against God’s Word.
Is it helpful physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to me? (1 Corinthians 6:12)
Does it have power over me? (1 Corinthians 6:12)
Does it hurt others? ( 1 Corinthians 8:13 )
Does it obey and glorify God? ( 1 Corinthians 10:31)
There is a difference between defiance ( rebellion ) and simply making mistakes. Learn to distinguish and act appropriately and consistently. Be sure to have punishments fits the crime and be willing to admit your mistakes and confess your sins to the child if need be. An excellent book on the subject is What the Bible says about Child Training by J. Richard Fugate, Aletheia Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 3153, Tempe, AZ 85280. The following list may be helpful in considering how you will respond to your child’s wrong behavior.
Natural Consequences ( learn from mistakes )
Restitution ( right your wrongs )
Extra Work for Irresponsible behavior
Chastening for rebellion
Be an example in word and deed of what it is to be in relationship with God:
Have regular family devotions ( can be brief, but must be consistent )
Pray anywhere, anytime about everything and note God’s faithfulness
Regular attendance and ministry within a local Body
Express how trials are opportunities to grow and trust God Who is faithful
Be honest about sin and forsake it by on-going repentance & faithful obedience
Develop a Biblical view of life & contrast with the secular world view whenever possible
Help them develop responsibility and a work ethic:
Regular bedtime
Proper nutrition
Exercise and hygiene
Excellence ( do your best and finish a task )
Obedience to Scripture ( kind, control of tongue, helpful, etc. )
Helping children discover their abilities and how to use them in a God honoring way
Teach God’s attributes and the fruit of the Spirit for the doing in His power
Teach Biblical principles for life situations
Expose your children to your work & how you handle inter-personal problems
Assign Chores
Teach Life Skills ( budget, checkbook, comparison shopping etc. )
Teach children money management
Budget ( help them learn the difference between wants and needs )
Giving to God
Sharing with others in need
Saving and investing
God has made you His representative to your children, and those God calls to a task He enables. Be devoted to prayer and dependent upon the Lord.