A listing here is not necessarily a complete endorsement. These and other Christian links may be very helpful and Biblically sound. However, it is still important to always exercise discernment, using God's Word as the final authority when surfing the Net, watching TV, or listening to the radio (Christian or Secular).
Enjoy, and grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
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Lighthouse Trails Research Project - This site contains a wealth of information that exposes the dangers of contemplative spirituality. There are thousands of links, a comprehensive search engine for the site, a bookshop, news alerts, and numerous articles addressing issues facing the Body of Christ today that are destructive to the Church.
Olive Tree Ministries - This site helps you understand current world events from a Biblical and prophetic perspective. The author has twenty-five years of ministry, writing, and news analysis experience. There are many articles on various topics. It’s an opportunity to look at the news and see how it relates to unfolding Bible prophecy.
Articles on Contemporary Theological Issues - Pastor Gilley is a biblical pastor-teacher, author, and general editor of a monthly publication on contemporary theological issues. Just browse through the large volume of titles alphabetically for topics sure to edify and equip the believer in Christ. The site also contains book reviews, a bookstore, and much more.
Bible Commentary Page - Wouldn't it be great if you could just point and click your way to a wide variety of excellent commentaries on every book of the Bible? Well, here's the place, with names like Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, John Calvin, Chuck Smith and more. You'll also find great biblical tools like a Hebrew and Greek Interlinear Bible, Bible maps and charts, and dictionary of Theology. And if you look hard enough you'll also find some of my commentaries along with others who want to see you grow in Christ. Some good stuff here.
Precept Austin - Precept Austin is a Conservative Christian Website that is dedicated to the discipleship of believers who desire to truly grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It includes such biblical tools as the Inductive Method of Bible Study and how to use this tool to truly understand what any passage of the Bible really says and means. There is also a section on Greek word studies that anyone at any spiritual level will find most rewarding. You'll also find Bible Dictionaries, Bible maps and pictures and Bible Commentaries on every book of the Bible that includes such commentators as John Calvin, Dave Guzek, John MacArthur, John Piper, C.H. Spurgeon, just to name a few. A good site to spend a lot of quality time at.
Creationism Connection - This is a good site for Biblical resources on Scientific Creationism. It includes News Groups, Synopses of Creationist Books, Creationist Organizations, Articles on Creationism vs. Evolutionism and Debates between Creationists and Evolutionists.
Creation/Evolution Questions: Christian Answers - This site is part of Christian Answers.Net. This is a great place to get some of your nagging questions answered as it relates to Creationism. Questions like, "What is the significance of the Pope's recent support of Evolution?" "Has a martian meteorite proven the existence of ET?" "Could Noah's Ark have really held all the animals preserved in the flood?" "How did various animals get from the Ark to isolated places, such as Australia?" There are many more questions at this site with some very thought provoking answers. You'll come back here often.
Archaeology and the Bible Questions: Christian Answers - Like the above site, this is part of the Christian Answers.Net. If you've got the curiosity of one who loves to "dig" for answers, this Archaeology site will unearth some amazing facts for you and answer such questions as, "What has archaeology taught us about the origins of Israel?" What does archaeology tell us about Paul's travels through Cyprus?" Is the Bible accurate concerning the destruction of the walls of Jericho?" Samson and the Philistines - did it really happen?" This is a site you'll enjoy, check it out!
Psychoheresy Awareness Ministries - The name pretty much says it all. Psychology has played and continues to play a major role in the Church-at-large today. This thought provoking site may cause you to look at Psychology, and the All-sufficiency of Christ and His Word, from a new perspective. Be sure to check out the Q & A section.
Watchman Fellowship - This site specializes in exposing the Cults and equipping the saints with the Word of God. They also help those caught up in the cults to see the deception of their belief system and shows them how God's Word is the only truth to make one wise unto salvation by faith in Christ alone.
Biblical Studies Foundation - The Biblical Studies Foundation says they are "Dedicated to putting quality Biblical research study materials on line". And they seem to do a pretty good job of that. They have a plethora (lots and lots) of good articles on a variey of subjects from, "The Spiritual Life" to "Theology". There are also sections on History and the "ABC's" for Christian growth. There's even a Pastor's section with sermons on various topics. If you enjoy Biblical discussions they have a place for you to share your perspectives. Lots of good reading here at BSF.
Blue Letter Bible - What if you could do a search for any word in the Bible and have access to 6 different Bible Dictionaries for any English word? How about having Strong's concordance at your fingertips without ever leaving your computer? Where would you be if you combined all of these powerful tools for personal Bible study? You'd be in the Blue Letter Bible ZONE. Check the sign post; click here and begin an adventure through the Word of God.
The Goshen Online Study Library - This site is similar to the one above. It ulilizes Nave's Topical Bible, Vine's Expository Dictionary along with Torrey's New Topical Textbook. There is also a section on "Methods of Bible Study", and "Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible". It's well worth your time to stop in here. Any Bible tool that helps you study the Bible and helps you do it more effectively is always a plus. Give it a try!
Information on Roman Catholicism - As a former Roman Catholic I have a special place in my heart for those deceived by the Roman Faith. This is a site which exposes the false doctrines of Rome and scrutinizes them with the word of God. You will also find different links from this site which will instruct you on how you can share Christ with Roman Catholics. With the trend of many "Evagelicals" following after the Eucumenical movement, as they accept the Roman Catholic "way of salvation", this is an important place to stop to see the difference.
Information on Jehovah's Witnesses - This site is part of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (C.A.R.M.). You may have had a couple of J.W.'s knock on your door recently. How did you do in directing them to the truth of God's Word? Do you really know what they believe about Jesus Christ? Are you aware that they believe Jesus was not God in the flesh, but rather an angel? This is an excellent site that not only gives you the history of the J.W.'s, but also teaches you how to effectively witness to them about our Lord and Savior. You'll also find many good links to jump to from this site concerning J.W.'s
Information on Mormonism - Have you seen those T.V. ads by a certain religious organization which promote family values? They're done very well. In fact, they look like they've been torn out of a Norman Rockwell painting. In some of the Ads they offer a Bible together with their own Scriptures called, the Book of Mormon. This group is also known as Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints. But don't be fooled. Check out the facts. This is a great site to do just that. You'll discover the true teachings of Mormonism which have nothing to do with the Messiah of the Bible who is true Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the site of the Mormonism Research Ministry, which has been challenging the claims of Mormons since 1979.
The Contenders - In their own words the Contenders purpose is to provide information from a Christian perspective on the cults, occult and aberrant Christian teachings. They certainly do this, but you'll find that much of the bulk of their articles deal with the "Toronto Blessing" also known as the "Holy Laughter Movement". They give some sobering looks into this phenomenon and show you how the movement demonstrates characteristics of being fleshly at best and deceptive at worst. They scrutinize this movement with the Word of God and find it "wanting". There are also some very good articles on "Promise Keepers" that calls for discernment regarding this movement. This is a good overall sight for checking out the cults and the occult. And yes, aberrant Christian teachings, even if it's not popular.
Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministry - Ron Rhodes is the Director of Reasoning from the Scriptures. He's written a variety of books which are all available on this site or in most Christian bookstores. You'll find a synopsis for each one here. He also offers a free newsletter. But, my favorite spot on this site is the "Downloadable Articles" with such titles as, "Millennial Madness", "Close Enconters of the Celestial Kind: Evaluating Today's Angel Craze", "Is Purgatory Biblical?" and much more. Very stimulating commentary.
Creation Evidences Museum Home Page - Take a walk down the halls of this Cyber Museum. By clicking on the MUSEUM DISPLAYS section you'll actually see a human fossilized finger which was found in Cretaceous rock. The problem is this human finger has no business being in this rock, according to Evolutionists. It's 60 to 135 million years too soon. You'll also see a hammer embedded in Cretaceous rock. Again the problem is man supposedly only came on to the scene in the last million years or so. So, what mollusk made that hammer and carelessly dropped it some 65 to 135 million years ago? Check out this museum. Please stay behind the rail and no flash photography.
The Revolution Against Evolution - Why another Creationist site? Well, because this is my LINKS page and I think you'll enjoy it. It's a bit different from the rest in that it has a number of "On-line" books, along with some very good, easy to understand evidence for Creationism and against Evolution. You'll find a Webster's Creation/Evolution Dictionary, FAQ's page and some good Creation-Evolution essays. Just another way to help you better understand origins from God's perspective.
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